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Since i am very late to this game and no DLC or ADA picture is in the game i assume that there will be none

man, i can't believe the launch for the full game isn't free but i really enjoyed this! a thrilling adventure just as promised with a main character i personally love... great playthrough! had a lot of fun!

So glad you had lots of fun with it! <3 Thank you for your kindness! 

I played through the whole game, Super wonderful and funny game! I love all the characters especially the relationship between Mishka and Sasha, i've ordered a charm and the artbook, can't wait for the latter to arrive! Keep it up you amazing people.


Would you ever consider making a DLC where we can learn more about the characters, especially Ada and Pavel?


Hello there! We are currently working on Ada's backstory as a free patch. We hope to be able to tell Pavel and Vadims backstory as well, though we aren't sure yet about that one. 💕


So where is your DLC? It's been a long time =/


Hi there! Since we are a two person studio, we've been working on the DLC at a pace that works for us to prevent burnout. We value balance and really strive to keep our mental and physical well being a priority, so we will be taking our time developing the DLC.


Hey, do you guys have discord server for the game by any chance?

We currently do not have a discord server for the game, but we appreciate the interest! <3

I would like to message you privately, how do I do that? I do want to propose something. 

to contact us you can email: 👍

hey,will also be available for free download?

Hi there, the full game will not be available for free, just the demo!


It's here! NIGHT/SHADE: You're the Drug has finally dropped. We released the game this morning at midnight, and we're so excited!

Dumb question will we be able to romance all the characters? In the trailer it seems like they already have love interest . Like Pav with Vadim

Hi there! Our game is not a dating Sim, so there are only two romance routes to follow during the storyline. Thank you for your support!

hii. I’ve been following the game for quite some time now, just wondering if it’s been delayed again? the steam page didn’t have any updates so I figured I’d ask here :)

looking forward to the eventual release!


Hey there! Sorry for any confusion, we have an estimated release time around the end of Feb, 2022, so hopefully sometime this month! Thank you so much for your support.

(2 edits) (+1)

I really like this game it's got some animation to it as well which is awesome and really good so the voice acting <3 and I REALLY love the art style and the characters and can't forget the NSFW :D love it <3 keep awesome work guys <3!o/

Thank you so much!! We've been very hard at work developing the game, thank you for your support.


Having been disapointed with a few games recently, is the game gonna come out in January? Or is that just set for steam and not official?


We are estimated to release end of January!


I'm so excited for this game! Looking forward to it! So far, I'm really liking the purple gremlin-looking character LOL

Thank you so much for your kindness! This is our first game and it's so endearing to see these kinds of comments. 💜


wait are we gonna be the red haired or green haired guy? the trailer is confusing me, but if we're the red haired guy it would be freaking cool.

The green haired guy!

amazinggg demo, seriously. i knew it was gonna be good the moment the title screen loaded and i was just blown away by the artstyle and music. the atmosphere is immaculate, super compelling writing, i wasn't expecting the animated scenes. the voice actors did a bomb job which is kinda rare for visual novels. i wish you all the luck and i'm looking forward to the full release


Thank you so very much for your awesome feedback! We've been hard at work this year developing. We are estimated to release end of January!


had a blast playing the demo while my chat fawned over the characters! hfkdsfs I cant wait for the full game, the whole team is doing amazing work <3 

Your stream made us laugh so much! Thank you for your kindness and for streaming and promoting our first game! 💜

glad to hear you guys liked it
and no problem ;w; <3

(1 edit) (+2)

it seems like a good game but i would like to warn the people with a 3 by 4 monitor because this game doesnt allow windowed mode and having a 3 by 4 monitor cuts off bits and pieces of the screen

Tysm for this info, it definitely helps us create a better game!

hey, I really liked ur game. The animation is fantastic and the cliffhanger ahhhhh. But I tried to save the game onto one of the save files and it wouldn't let me. I clicked and I clicked it didn't work. Also, I couldn't look back on history after trying to save. Fantastic game btw. 

Thank you so much for this feedback! This will help us improve the game, so we appreciate it! Have a great day!

any chance of a steam version soon ? 🔩

Yes, we are expected to release end of January! We do currently have our demo on steam.


Love it so far! Can't wait to see the full game. 

This was one of the loveliest playthroughs, thank you so much for your support and promo! Looking forward to seeing you play our full game! 💕


so goood what's the menu music?

The ever lovely Iris/Letl is our composer for nightshade!


It was really nice, looking forward to the full game :) ^^




This was awesome as hell! 
the cutscene and all of the art in the game! The voice lines, I love it already, I can't wait to play the full game!!
btw I was very shocked to learn that the main character and me shared the same name, you don't stumble across my name a lot from what I've seen at least :'D

Thats wonderful!! Thank you for this feedback, we appreciate the kindness. 💕💜✌️


Yooooo, this was so cool! I am so amazed. I really liked this! I can't wait for more :))


Thank you so much!


omg this demo looks amazing! i especially loved the beginning scene, i personally havent come across or remember any visual novels that have had that sort of thing. im looking forward to the rest of the game!

Thank you for your support, we are glad you liked it!


the cliffhanger in the demo ahkjsdhkahd that aside, this shows so much promises! i love the atmosphere, the style, bgm, voices and the concept!! im looking forward for the full version!

We worked so hard, it's so moving to see the positive feedback! Thank you so much!


Omggggggg I just finished the demo and ughhhh that cliffhangerrrr 



Just by watching the trailer i know im gonna be into this so much.

Thank you! 💜


I make rules of not playing demos of games that look too fantastic for words because I don't want to hurt my heart when I then have to wait for the full game to come out. And because, honestly, I have been let down too many times when projects get cancelled. For the same reason, I don't usually back games on kickstarter. However, because I believe in and love this concept so much, and because you all clearly have so much extraordinary talent and heart poured into this game, I went ahead and supported the kickstarter. I'm really rooting for you. :) I hope saying all that doesn't put pressure or anything though!


None at all, no worries! We will work hard to bring you the game of our dreams! Thank you for your support!

this is AMAZING!!! exactly my style. the animation, the story in general, just everything about this WOAH. can't wait for what's to come!

Thank you so much for the kind words! You can help support us by backing our Kickstarter, spreading the word, or helping us reach more people by liking and following us! 🌟


OH WOW!! I didn't even have to try the demo to go right to your kickstarter and support. Right after supporting, I went and played the demo and I can't wait for this to become a full game. The music, art, and narrative were great. I already fell in love with this, even if the demo was short. I would 100% recommend this game <3

Thank you so much, your support is very much appreciated! 

(1 edit) (+1)

the text box is a little too big, it take 1/4 of the screen 

and a way to rollback would be nice

except that this game look good :) I look forward to see the complete version  

and just to be sure , there is no sexual content in the demo ? or did I miss something ?

Thank you for your feedback and your kindness! You are correct, there is no sexual content in the demo.


Seeing the art for this on Twitter early on in the project is what brought me back to visual novels. I loved them as a teen, but didn't realize all the content available now with Steam and especially The demo is short, but has lovely art and a good teaser for things to come. I can't wait for this game.

Thank you so much for these very nice comments! We're glad we could create something other people are excited about and interested in, your support is how this game is going to happen! 

Any plans for an android release just curious ? It seems so interesting ?

Hi there! At the moment no due to its 18+ content.

Ok thanks anyway for the reply 


Well, I just finished the demo and I found it interesting. I liked the art  in general, specially the animation at te beginnig. Good job so far <3

Thank you so much for playing!

(2 edits) (+1)

I finally did the demo and... gosh I just can't wait for the full version! \o/

To be honest, I discovered your works because of a Tweet to your Kickstarter campaign from the Valentyne Stories Necromancy's Twitter and both of yours do a very inspiring work.

The writing looks very different from what I played until now. While the most of them I played are dedicated to the narration,  is more visual and it's very immersive.

I really like your characters' design and Sasha is such an adorkable boy ~

The intro animation is so stunning... and all this tension... argh why is it sooooo short? I really would like to see more!

Anyways, congrats for your Kickstarter campaign again! I can't sadly support you financially but make you sure that I'll share your works into social networks (mostly in Twitter where I'm the most active). <3


Thank you so much!


Can't wait for the full version, the intro animation hooked me up real quick and the awesome art and tension kept me in my toes until the end of the demo, from what i played i must say, excellent job.

Thank you so much for the kind words and playthrough!

I would like so much to test the demo but I have issues when I try to run it, even with the compatibility version... :'(

I have a Windows 64 bits


If you'd like you can email us at and we can troubleshoot with you to figure out what's going on! Hopefully we can get it running for you so you can play!

Thank you so much! \o/
I sent you an detailed mail about my issue.


When do you think the whole game will be released? :3


If our Kickstarter is successful and we get funded, we are aiming for a 4th quarter 2021 release!


This was really good! The art is gorgeous, the animation is really good, and it has incredibly good atmosphere! I can't wait for the full game after playing the demo. I unfortunately can't support it financially, but I'll make sure to tell people about it!


Thank you so so much for your support! We greatly appreciate it and are so glad you enjoyed the demo!


i was really looking forward to it, the art is so beautiful and the story flowing so well! gonna wait for the full version :)

Thank you so much!!

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